OneHotline is part of the BlackWhole Solutions™ program. The OneHotline
Report is a combination Narrative Report and Questionnaire Survey
that is completed by your employees.
The employee would go to and follow the instructions. They
would enter a code number that you would have already created in the
system. They type in the code number and once they type their concern and
complete the survey you are alerted via email so you can read the report as well
as review the graph that displays the overall “perceptions” of your employees.
There are no individual scores, but rather collective scoring which
creates a more accurate picture of what might be going on in eight key areas
of business operations. These results are applied on a “per location” basis, not
“companywide.” This allows you to pin-point problem areas in precise
locations that require immediate attention. It allows you to
prioritize your attention.
Our Background Checks are legally compliant and processed in real-time. BWS does not provide “stored data” that is not only outdated but
should never be used as part of a legitimate employment background check.
BWS provides both domestic as well as International background
checks at Member pricing. Call 1-800-825-5572 to learn more.
Our investigators and Certified Fraud Examiners have decades of
experience dealing with fraud
and theft investigations. We have conducted thousands of
investigations and interrogations resulting in nearly 4,000
handwritten confessions
with a 99.96% success rate. We know what we are doing. When it comes to
answering “Now What?” we don’t need to guess, or pass your call on to someone
else who guesses. We will be able to answer your concerns.
Watch My Employees’ group of security and loss prevention
professionals can review your video evidence and create a report that will
help you to make a determination on how to go forward. If we believe that you do
not have enough evidence we will tell you so. We can also provide additional
guidance on a strategic plan that will best utilize the evidence you
do have.